Sunday, July 10, 2011

SRI Experience (The Sequel)

Planting rice in the SRI method
Our job in the Farm and Allied Sector of CORD is to raise awareness about the System of Rice Intensification (SRI). The goal is to tell the farmers that switching to this system of growing rice (which surprisingly uses the same seeds) will not only use less water and help the soil, but will also give the farmers more rice yield per plant. (more on SRI in previous posts)

Farmer Saaket
Today the entire farm sector (including me) went to a village where we held a meeting. The farm sector did a good job advertising it, and in return many villagers attended the meeting. There we gave the villagers an overview of what SRI is, and how it will help them. After the meeting we gave a demonstration on SRI, and the steps used to properly implement it. This included planting the rice, and that was when I got my chance to get in the paddies again. I went into the paddies with some other workers, and showed how exactly the rice should be planted (this is one of the key differences between the traditional method and SRI).

Once again, the farmers and villagers were incredibly hospitable. They basically take care of you as if you were a family member. They would always offer me tea, water, snacks, and even lunch!

Overall the meeting was successful, as many farmers showed up and seemed to be impressed by SRI. Hopefully they will implement SRI this growing season, as it will help both the environment, and their income. Hopefully we can give more demonstrations, as I would sure like to get into the rice paddies again!
Giving a demonstration on SRI

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